
To do...

-clean and maybe reorganize my room. I've done bits of cleaning here and there but I haven't commited. I am also bored with the set up of my bedroom but it's so tiny I don't know how exactly I could move things around.

-clean the apartment as a whole. Yet another thing I've been putting off. After grocery shopping last night I began cleaning out the fridge and rearranging it. We had leftovers from THANKSGIVING! Talk about disgusting. None the less it inspired me to want to give the whole apartment a good cleaning asap.

-set up a study schedule. I'm all over the place with when I commit to sitting down and doing my homework. It's about time to take action and make a plan.

-find hobbies to take up and crafty things to make. Amy and I have decided we need to make things in order to save us money since the only real things to do in Fort Wayne involve shelling out all of your cash in one night.

-clean out my closet. I have too many clothes. the end.

-install Microsoft Office on my laptop. How I've survived almost 2 years of college without it I don't know.

-buy a new fish. RIP Pepito.

-finally make my writing portfolio. I've been meaning to do this for quite some time, both for personal organization and for when it comes time to reference my past work when it comes time to find an internship, etc...

-Get back in touch with people. I don't know if this is a "to do" list kind of thing, but I spend too much time holed up alone or with my boyfriend. Ex: my bestie is home and I've seen her a total of 3 times. This is not a good statistic at all.

-make more lists. I'm obsessed with listing things lately, especially goals and things I need to do. I also have done it for things I'd like to buy and groceries.

Also as a side note, I'm looking for good music. My musical taste buds are bored. Any suggestions???


{ Spencer } at: January 28, 2010 at 9:00 PM said...


{ Maggie May } at: January 28, 2010 at 9:01 PM said...

Metric! and White Stripes!

i am obsessed with lists lately. they are saving my sanity.

{ Celia Anne } at: February 1, 2010 at 12:45 AM said...

the white stripes are pretty rad.
led zeppelin isn't new, but I LOVE THEM. :]

I'm sorry to hear about your fishie. :[
Stella Michael-Michael-David Scribner-Esmond is still alive, after like I think two years. Scott and I bought her the summer after I graduated, so I'm quite impressed that she is still swimming for a walmart goldfish.


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