
My Labor Day Weekend

While I was hoping that my weekend would be filled with friends it ended up being all about family. I spent the whole weekend either with my family or Joseph's family and it really was wonderful. I got to: cheer my little brother on at his football game, meet Joseph's brother and sister in-laws baby (more on her in a minute!), spend a day at the lake with my grandparents, and catch up with my mom. 

After months of anticipation Olive Beezy Robinson-Stewart was born Saturday morning! She is 2 weeks early, but is definitely a healthy and happy baby! I was so excited that I was able to be home to meet my little "niece". 

Besides spending a lot of time at the hospital swooning over Miss Olive the rest of the weekend included my favorite boys (Gavin and Cash), my puppy (of course), Joseph, my grandparents, sunsets, boat rides, late night pizza, mom and daughter talk, and a lot more low-key things.

Minus the baby it was nothing terribly exciting. But, it was wonderful none the less.



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